Other Committee Members
Sheila Otway: Secretary email
"I am not a kidney patient. I was a full time secretary in the Kidney Unit for 16 years and joined the SCKPA in 1986.
I joined the committee as secretary in 2002 after I had retired from full time work. I became Membership Secretary in 2004. It is a pleasure and humbling to serve an association of such stoic patients and their partners."
Mike Sinfield: Representative to NKF email
"I had a transplant in August 1995, 26 years ago, from a deceased donor. I suffered PTLD (post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder) in 2001 but had a course of chemotherapy that sorted out the lymphoma. With a change of medication all has been well since.
My kidneys were failing because I had polycystic kidney disease inherited from my father but I was fortunate to receive a transplant before I had to go on dialysis. I am a Chartered Accountant in practice".
Jose Rico-Diaz: Head of Fundraising email
"My kidney failure was brought on from years of being diabetic, and in January 2014 I was put on HD.
On the 11th of December 2014 (Sidney's Birthday) I received a kidney from my father (through the paired exchange scheme). The kidney rejected after a few days but the medical team at The Churchill worked their magic and saved "Sidney da Kidney" who has been fine ever since."